Inspiring children to read, learn play and create.

11th May 2018

Q&A with Operations Director, Ross Taylor

Having worked on children's books for nearly 10 years, Operations Director Ross Taylor knows a thing or two about the wonderful world of publishing. We took five minutes out of his busy schedule (both here in Woodbridge and in the steeper climbs of sunny Scotland) to ask him a few questions ...

1. If you could describe your job to someone in one sentence, what would you say? 

I look at all the data coming into the business and try to convert it into usable information.


2. What was your favourite story read to you as a child?

So sad – I didn’t get read stories as a child!


3. If you could only take 3 books to a desert island, which would you take?

Complete Sherlock Holmes collection. A Scottish Encyclopedia. Something to make me laugh, maybe a Frankie Boyle book.


4. What do you like the most about working in publishing?

Seeing stuff that I was involved in out on the shelves.


5. If you could describe Imagine That in 3 words, what would they be?

Open, caring, happy.


6. What are your favourite things to do when you’re not at work?

I like to go on long walks. I like watching films. I read a lot but want to read much more.


7. How would the people that know you best describe you?

Hard-working and clever (what they’d say not me!)


8. What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?

4 green houses, 1 red hotel. Robert Kiyosaki.


9. If you could choose 3 famous figures (past or present) to have dinner with, who would you pick and why?

Charlie Chaplin. Nikola Tesla. Bruce Lee. In all cases I’d want to learn from their great wisdom.