Inspiring children to read, learn play and create.

19th April 2018

The Great Stand Up To Cancer Bake Off

Doughnut you wish your bakes were as tasty as ours?!

Sunshine AND cake. It was a good day at Imagine That HQ yesterday. We held a Stand Up To Cancer bake sale and there wasn’t a dry crumb or soggy bottom in sight! From tantalising chocolate tiffin to scrumptious pork and apple sausage rolls (a long-standing firm favourite in the office), the team put their baking skills to the limit and the results were pleasing to say the least (we won’t count up the calories and spoil the fun).



After a strenuous morning of testing (with Paul Hollywood style handshakes a-plenty), votes were placed and only crumbs remained as we awaited the much-anticipated results. But whose bake came out on top?

Drum roll please … the much coveted prize of ‘Star Baker’ was awarded to our Vice President of US Sales Lucy Scoot and her perfectly miniature carrot cakes, we went nutty for Kelly from Sales and her peanut butter brownies who came in second place and joint third went to Graphic Designer Ben with his Cuddle the Magic Kitten inspired ‘Corr Blimey’ Caramel Cheesecake and Sarah from Marketing with her ‘Oops-A-Daisy’ white chocolate and orange sponge.

With more delicious bakes purchased throughout the day, an impressive total of £170.00 was raised for Stand Up To Cancer and our sweet (and partial savoury) tooth was well and truly satisfied.

Well done team Imagine That!

For more information on how you can host your own Stand Up To Cancer Bake Sale, visit and get baking!