Inspiring children to read, learn play and create.

7th March 2018

Celebrate Creativity. Spark Imagination.

Sarah Hall, Publishing and Marketing Assistant and former primary school teacher, reflects on World Book Day, the importance of creativity in early learning and how our award-winning Arty Mouse books are perfectly placed to spark imagination …

With World Book Day over for another year (or for some, only just beginning following the recent snowpocalypse), we are reminded, once again, that such events can ignite joyous moments that become the future memories we cherish for years to come. By encompassing the notion of ‘celebration’, and embracing the fun and creativity that engulfs bringing cherished characters to life, such events highlight how important it is to keep imagination at the forefront of childhood experience. Whilst we may neglect to remember the full details of every story we read, we will remember the related activities and pursuits that sparked a feeling of joy inside us, and for this reason, World Book Day served as so much more than just a single day of celebration.

This notion of imagination is a prevalent talking point amongst educators and parents. The recognition that creative endeavours in early childhood add value to our later experiences, is a meaningful concept to remember and one that is easily neglected in the wake of a results-driven curriculum. Now, more than ever, there is an intrinsic need to spark imagination and foster creativity in the flourishing minds of our children, and this can begin at a young age. Recognising that learning is an explorative process and not one with set limits or boundaries, lies at the forefront of this.

Early learning through art is the creative mission statement of Arty Mouse – a little mouse with big ideas. Through visual learning across a range of activity books, Arty Mouse teaches children to express themselves and what they see in the world around them before they can read or write. Aside from the creative benefits of placing art at the centre of the learning process, the ability to span other subjects across the curriculum is wholly evident. As art skills grow, skills in other areas blossom too, fast-tracking little learners in reading, writing, counting and more.

To return to the notion of imagination, by allowing children to express their feelings and emotions about the world around them in a safe, explorative way, it is clear that earlier recounted instances of enthusiasm, joy and empowerment will surely follow. World Book Day, in all its chaotic, creative and imagination-sparking glory, encompasses this perfectly.